Match Day Times
Thirds 10 am
Reserves 12 noon
Seniors 2.15 pm
Football Coaches - 2025
Michael Drisscoll - 0476 168 201
Aydan Garrett - 0418 372 303
Luke Stuckey - 0474 992 683
Operations Manager - All teams
Matt Smith
0412 643 290
Players Uniform
Sleeveless Guernsey
Navy/RFC emblemVCFL Football shorts
Navy (home games), White (away games)Socks
Player uniform: football guernsey is issued by the Club.Other uniform: football shorts & socks and netball nix are available to purchase (subject to availability).
Contact Matt Smith or Alanna Diamond to discuss uniform needs.
GAME DAY APPAREL FOR PLAYERS: On game day, players are encouraged to wear RFNC apparel, i.e., a polo shirt (or hoodie or long sleeve) on arrival to the game and after the game.
Players Safety
In the interests of player safety, the Club recommends players of all grades:
• are Ambulance subscribers (
• encourage Income Protection Insurance
• wear a mouth guard if applicable
• wear head protection if applicable.
If a player is injured and it’s necessary to call an ambulance, the Club will make this call in the best interest of the player. Please ensure your family is covered.